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clan-capital-airship Clan Capital Raid Info #20L802U9R | Clash of Clans

Capital Total Loot

Other Stats

State: Ongoing
clock Start Time: 2024-10-04T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-10-07T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 169,620
attack Total Attacks: 40
Raids Completed: 2
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 15
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Members (8)

Name attack Attacks Attack Limit
(+ Bonus attack-clan-capital-bonus)
capital-gold Capital Resources Looted
filip 6 5 (+1) 31136
zoki 6 5 (+1) 29859
ATSA 2 6 5 (+1) 24524
*~COMMANDER~* 6 5 (+1) 23958
OKC THUNDER 6 5 (+1) 23594
Peter 6 5 (+1) 23477
dadi 3 5 (+1) 10700
Maxim 1 5 (+1) 2372

Attack Log (2)

level Defender 風林☆火山
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13586
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11661
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9297
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9974
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11234
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10372
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10588
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11486
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12087
level Defender LES ASGARDIENS
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 17
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11766
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10700
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11813
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11955
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11816
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (3)

level Attacker Green Warriors
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14024
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11619
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10712
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11703
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12239
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11351
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11652
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12017
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11868
level Attacker Brew Ha ha
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 90 2 3 12230
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11736
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10637
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11790
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11744
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11789
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11850
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12083
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11916
level Attacker --(FIN)--
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 6
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 90 2 3 10205
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11541
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-09-27T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-09-30T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 133,138
attack Total Attacks: 35
Raids Completed: 5
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 11
Offensive Reward: 170
Defensive Reward: 245

Attack Log (2)

level Defender 3040 직장인 쉼터
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13502
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11595
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10193
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11409
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12356
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11627
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11829
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12077
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12042
level Defender ironhead
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 7
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11785
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12023
Skeleton Park 4 24 0 1 2700
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker REBEL'S IN LOVE
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13550
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11568
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10481
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11673
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11984
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11402
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11553
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11579
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12147
level Attacker 高雄草衙米糕
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13370
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11652
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10208
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11280
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11897
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11349
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11810
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12192
level Attacker مشهد
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13580
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11691
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10691
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11790
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11957
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11489
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11928
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11993
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11592
level Attacker GARUDA
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13811
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11550
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10691
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11151
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12161
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11876
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11715
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11948
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11664
level Attacker Legend warriors
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 4
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 40 0 1 4810
Goblin Mines 4 90 2 3 9660
level Attacker ARENA OF BLOOD
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12048
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10274
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11100
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12047
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11306
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11988
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12011
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11556
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-09-20T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-09-23T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 56,121
attack Total Attacks: 12
Raids Completed: 4
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 5
Offensive Reward: 183
Defensive Reward: 226

Attack Log (1)

level Defender 7LM
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 12
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11755
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11455
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10067
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11276
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11568

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker Quebec
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13508
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11787
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10763
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11673
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11690
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11927
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11799
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11507
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11751
level Attacker Fuego cruzado
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13448
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11676
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10835
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11541
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 5 12179
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11777
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11502
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11873
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11682
level Attacker 저랩
Level: 30
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13823
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11562
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10820
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11385
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12329
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11495
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11727
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11756
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11580
level Attacker Holy Soldiers
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13853
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11760
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10730
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11448
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12182
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11765
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11994
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11627
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12129
level Attacker mukti boys
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 15
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 87 2 3 10180
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11618
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11469
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12146
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11712
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-09-13T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-09-16T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 269,945
attack Total Attacks: 60
Raids Completed: 6
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 24
Offensive Reward: 212
Defensive Reward: 265

Attack Log (3)

level Defender 马大部落-小部落
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13552
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11485
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9028
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9087
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9717
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10187
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10458
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10955
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10190
level Defender war bd 1971
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13875
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10930
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8925
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9841
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10224
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9593
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10349
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10462
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10617
level Defender قلعه شیران
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11592
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10262
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12143
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11339
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11874
Skeleton Park 4 68 1 2 7120
Goblin Mines 4 44 0 1 4395

Defense Log (4)

level Attacker STILE_FASTER
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13838
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11811
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10232
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11184
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 5 12071
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 11969
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11760
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11837
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11634
level Attacker PATEL WORRIORS
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13958
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11538
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10172
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11718
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12080
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11330
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12161
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11613
level Attacker breizh 56
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13574
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11784
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10469
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11817
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12032
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11411
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11997
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11489
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11844
level Attacker Jesus Above War
Level: 30
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13427
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11679
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10139
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11766
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11852
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11999
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12182
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11778
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-09-06T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-09-09T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 388,228
attack Total Attacks: 90
Raids Completed: 8
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 36
Offensive Reward: 221
Defensive Reward: 226

Attack Log (5)

level Defender železná koza
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13754
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11140
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8711
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9431
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10337
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9110
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10465
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10901
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11185
level Defender Savage Seven
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13445
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11934
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10390
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9835
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10831
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9673
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9808
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10954
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11502
level Defender CrankCrew
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13403
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11718
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10328
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11598
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9936
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12029
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10002
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10876
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12177
level Defender AE Vĩnh Bảo
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13682
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11790
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9761
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9806
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9611
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 10109
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9358
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9742
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 8896
level Defender 드루와
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 0
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker Willesden 777
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13586
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11331
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10571
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11397
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11690
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11627
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 12006
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11741
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12093
level Attacker 丿皇族丶小梦
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13877
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11715
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10655
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11511
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12131
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11540
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11502
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11501
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11637
level Attacker Mihau
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14015
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11694
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10193
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11337
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11705
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11588
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11868
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12194
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11466
level Attacker +extraordinary+
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14054
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11673
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10160
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11346
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11987
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11993
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11538
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11645
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12114
level Attacker Village Thieves
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11799
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12179
Dragon Cliffs 5 39 0 1 3040
Golem Quarry 5 59 1 2 6355
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12023
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-08-30T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-09-02T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 323,222
attack Total Attacks: 70
Raids Completed: 7
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 29
Offensive Reward: 229
Defensive Reward: 287

Attack Log (4)

level Defender RE CLASHER 2
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13561
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10922
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9855
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9469
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10181
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9887
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10900
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10782
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10782
level Defender ALLSTAR.PH
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13451
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11913
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10148
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11030
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10242
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10577
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10708
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11215
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12041
level Defender Alpha and Omega
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13976
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11625
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10425
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10271
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10296
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9998
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10207
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11246
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11382
level Defender Casi 50 Clan
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 5
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9787
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 43 1 1 5390
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10955
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker libang2 lng
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 37
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 7 13916
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 11988
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10328
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11289
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 5 12128
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11687
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11469
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11600
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker Clash Warriors
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13562
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11787
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10748
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11484
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12296
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12011
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11753
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11973
level Attacker mini goliath
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13571
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11754
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10418
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11331
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11918
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11450
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11370
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12075
level Attacker BD Dynamic Team
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13568
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11643
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10712
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11115
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12047
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11906
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11832
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11537
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12192
level Attacker Facebook frends
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11859
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11718
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12068
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11915
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12030
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12083
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12198
level Attacker Indian Warriors
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11751
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10826
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11757
Builder's Workshop 5 60 1 2 6420
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11342
Golem Quarry 5 60 1 2 6380
Skeleton Park 4 74 2 2 8425
Goblin Mines 4 87 2 2 9790
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-08-23T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-08-26T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 260,313
attack Total Attacks: 60
Raids Completed: 7
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 22
Offensive Reward: 195
Defensive Reward: 233

Attack Log (3)

level Defender firefighter 1
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14009
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11922
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10391
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11451
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11066
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11693
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11715
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11999
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11535
level Defender LOS GRANDES
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13877
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11643
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8955
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9217
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9362
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10559
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9629
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10654
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10121
level Defender pdg pak amat
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 12
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 98 2 2 10550
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 9145
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 8996
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9776
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 8833
Golem Quarry 4 79 2 1 7170
Skeleton Park 3 64 2 1 6045
Goblin Mines 2 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker House Stark
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13745
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11874
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10799
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11364
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11894
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11420
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11769
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11501
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11622
level Attacker #Korea! 오징어 집합소
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14114
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11955
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10724
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11766
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11978
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11381
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11943
level Attacker DUTCH ARMY
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13643
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12006
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10430
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11385
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11891
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11396
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11997
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11945
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11859
level Attacker Kurd 4
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14057
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11454
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10376
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11511
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12059
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11915
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11418
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11723
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12099
level Attacker Ayden
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13604
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11808
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10133
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11547
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11663
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11453
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11883
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11999
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11751
level Attacker NICARAGUA
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 15
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11331
Wizard Valley 5 20 0 1 2560
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11331
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11621
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11391
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11717
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11946
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-08-16T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-08-19T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 234,821
attack Total Attacks: 58
Raids Completed: 7
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 20
Offensive Reward: 189
Defensive Reward: 208

Attack Log (3)

level Defender ⭐⭐⭐
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13736
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11538
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10712
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10624
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11272
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11900
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10621
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12155
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11956
level Defender PESHAWAR CHAMP
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14015
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11895
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9143
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9776
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9977
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10171
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9550
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10744
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11885
level Defender Legacy
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 7
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 31 1 1 2820
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10167
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10899
Goblin Mines 4 88 2 2 9265

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker Clan 2 Savoie
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13838
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11781
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12023
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11837
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11481
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11711
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11823
level Attacker Bangladesh Land
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14093
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11856
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10211
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11334
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12173
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12020
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11961
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12101
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11589
level Attacker terror
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13505
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11589
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11418
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11633
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11420
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11322
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12158
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11970
level Attacker 铁面无私公平部落
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13694
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11796
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10724
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11817
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11960
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11411
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11667
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11450
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12066
level Attacker xmen pelo pecho
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 17
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 19 0 1 2160
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10862
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11568
Builder's Workshop 5 71 1 2 8350
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11697
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12197
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11550
level Attacker THE BANGLA BOYS
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13649
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11475
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11100
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11867
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11742
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11462
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11850
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-08-09T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-08-12T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 233,226
attack Total Attacks: 60
Raids Completed: 7
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 21
Offensive Reward: 190
Defensive Reward: 280

Attack Log (3)

level Defender Титан
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13781
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11901
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10175
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10311
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10507
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11365
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9945
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11839
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11703
level Defender الاشاوس
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13529
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11967
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10052
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9642
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9449
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9694
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9994
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11521
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10144
level Defender RESISTANCE
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 9
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11963
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11958
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11786
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker Das Kriegsheer
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13496
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11751
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10127
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11169
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11960
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11684
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11934
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11681
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11460
level Attacker USLA CLAN
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 36
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13727
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 11697
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10553
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11343
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 5 12317
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 11591
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11697
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12053
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12051
level Attacker Arpegia
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11445
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10817
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11817
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12008
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11996
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11694
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12192
level Attacker whiterun
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13667
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11691
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10799
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11604
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12008
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 12029
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11712
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11645
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11685
level Attacker Clan Mỹ Nhân
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13754
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11502
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10442
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11196
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11882
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11918
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11589
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12176
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11865
level Attacker Perú Supremacia
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 17
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11778
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10232
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11184
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11702
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11727
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-08-02T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-08-05T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 499,054
attack Total Attacks: 114
Raids Completed: 10
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 48
Offensive Reward: 224
Defensive Reward: 268

Attack Log (6)

level Defender Mugen Tsukoyomi
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13598
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11439
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9070
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 8960
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9381
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 8745
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9201
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10213
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10194
level Defender УЗБЕК
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13703
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11074
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9175
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9875
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10135
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9479
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10105
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11180
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12175
level Defender OnlyTheBest 2,0
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 3 12328
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10532
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8360
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9399
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10161
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 8882
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 10250
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9946
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 1 5709
level Defender Big Red Machine
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13407
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11053
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8843
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9425
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9657
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10501
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9291
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9601
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10349
level Defender WAR MENANGAN
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13571
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11838
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10139
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10140
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10806
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9769
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10195
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11885
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11508
level Defender FRENDFOREVER
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 7
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 49 0 1 5165
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8909
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9988
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker mMC stars
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13496
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11514
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10655
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11718
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12083
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11564
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11991
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11774
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12018
level Attacker MVP MX
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13688
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11760
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10121
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11571
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11777
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11540
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11523
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11531
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker hi
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13751
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11454
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10448
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11250
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11909
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11900
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11790
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11627
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11895
level Attacker ae ninh binh
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13745
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11370
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10358
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11148
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12314
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11360
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11604
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12146
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11517
level Attacker YANLAY FAMILY
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13466
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11802
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10604
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11442
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12011
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11678
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11810
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12132
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-07-26T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-07-29T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 317,685
attack Total Attacks: 69
Raids Completed: 7
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 31
Offensive Reward: 233
Defensive Reward: 272

Attack Log (4)

level Defender Phartsmellers
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14042
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11121
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9177
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9715
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9919
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9589
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10077
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11207
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11068
level Defender RAJPUT KING
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13130
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11547
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9565
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 8887
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9644
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10578
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10961
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9880
level Defender GORILLA POWER
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 3 12145
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10982
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8742
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 8843
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9524
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 8733
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9591
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9908
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 1 5688
level Defender Based Brothers
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 9
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9189
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10010
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9551
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 55 1 1 4880
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10587
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13499
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11520
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10445
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11172
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11741
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 11762
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11961
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11801
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11742
level Attacker THE LAST OF US
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13499
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11805
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10595
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11466
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12059
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11906
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11859
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11849
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11505
level Attacker Clash of Clans
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 18
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 87 2 2 9795
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10166
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11094
Builder's Workshop 5 85 1 2 9810
Dragon Cliffs 5 82 2 2 8820
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12000
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11624
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12153
level Attacker Fc_Garmsar
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13814
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11724
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10721
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11685
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12029
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11412
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11459
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12087
level Attacker X.BA
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13796
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11943
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10115
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11577
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12209
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11894
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11877
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11933
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11799
level Attacker BearCats76
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 0
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-07-19T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-07-22T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 240,699
attack Total Attacks: 54
Raids Completed: 7
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 23
Offensive Reward: 211
Defensive Reward: 220

Attack Log (3)

level Defender 이씨네놀이터
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 3 12556
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11323
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8949
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9080
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9638
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 9084
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9448
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9895
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 1 5628
level Defender INDIAN NAVY FAN
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13195
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10679
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9760
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10061
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10673
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9755
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10464
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11476
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11324
level Defender 하늘반
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 13
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 4 69 2 1 5435
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9356
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9408
Dragon Cliffs 4 90 2 2 7980
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9713
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9674
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 2 6145

Defense Log (7)

level Attacker ÇŁÁŠH ĪŚ ŁÎFÊ
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14111
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11961
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10553
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11688
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11615
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11384
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11763
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12185
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker NewTeam
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13772
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11607
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10124
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11427
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12200
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11369
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11589
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12080
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11460
level Attacker سيف عنزة
Level: 12
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13634
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11358
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11712
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11771
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11582
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11724
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11459
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12015
level Attacker ПоБеДиТеЛи
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13691
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11496
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10760
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11514
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11753
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12036
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12152
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11655
level Attacker TCU
Level: 31
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13886
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11757
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10595
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11550
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12251
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11654
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11658
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11570
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12162
level Attacker ARIANA GRANDE
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11505
Wizard Valley 5 30 1 1 3940
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11418
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11930
Dragon Cliffs 5 26 0 1 2130
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11682
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11912
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11799
level Attacker NO Los Eternity
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 12
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11681
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11874
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12080
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12201
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-07-12T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-07-15T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 239,037
attack Total Attacks: 57
Raids Completed: 8
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 22
Offensive Reward: 208
Defensive Reward: 229

Attack Log (3)

level Defender 分手快乐。
Level: 30
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13415
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12003
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9464
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9646
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10268
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9961
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10549
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10576
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11846
level Defender Pro Killers
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11140
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8743
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10075
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10466
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9048
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9470
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10571
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10211
level Defender Schabernack!
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 12
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 48 0 1 4160
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11109
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11057
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9961
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11328
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker no war no war
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13814
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11535
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10622
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11541
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12269
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11621
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11823
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11600
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11691
level Attacker Fire Of Hell
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 14069
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11340
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10343
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11229
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11882
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11570
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11700
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11675
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 12126
level Attacker BERHAMPORE king
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13967
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11700
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10484
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11460
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11906
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11396
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11583
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12152
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12099
level Attacker GOLD ARMY
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13595
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11994
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11472
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11831
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11870
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11868
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11633
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11697
level Attacker Ctg Sector 11
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13982
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11397
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10643
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11070
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11978
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11828
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11943
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11987
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12066
level Attacker WAR GALAXY
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13949
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11472
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11748
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11816
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11415
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12165
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-07-05T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-07-08T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 583,953
attack Total Attacks: 140
Raids Completed: 10
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 53
Offensive Reward: 204
Defensive Reward: 273

Attack Log (6)

level Defender Ganster 2022 UA
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13578
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11379
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10170
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9120
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9320
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10531
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10116
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11204
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10553
level Defender los colombianos
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13676
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11557
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9390
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10161
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10183
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10616
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10479
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11094
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11000
level Defender ☆Kriegs■Elite☆
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13763
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11097
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9105
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9828
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10066
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9982
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10192
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11630
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender Cluj Clashers
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13370
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11517
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10640
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11403
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12257
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11771
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12000
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11918
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11955
level Defender 10 Point
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13868
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11700
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10108
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9529
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10002
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11446
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10186
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11509
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11463
level Defender Night Of Army
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 18
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 34 0 2 5120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10145
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9008
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10056
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10562
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9231
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10288
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10635
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10266

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker CATALUNYA 1714
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13988
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11670
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10619
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11772
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12005
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11612
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11907
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12164
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11721
level Attacker EL PLEVE
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 35
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13553
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11943
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10526
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11235
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12110
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 11885
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 5 11958
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11804
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12174
level Attacker ruche anar
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13883
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11661
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10364
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11262
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11717
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11996
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11838
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11648
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11772
level Attacker 可不可熟成紅茶
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13607
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11775
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10379
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11777
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12023
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11597
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11892
level Attacker India
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13742
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11463
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10727
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11262
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12317
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11600
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12174
level Attacker war deviants
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11823
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11622
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11738
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11585
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11748
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12167
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12030
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-06-28T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-07-01T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 512,825
attack Total Attacks: 123
Raids Completed: 10
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 46
Offensive Reward: 207
Defensive Reward: 231

Attack Log (6)

level Defender Air 44
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13892
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11543
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9950
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10551
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10472
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11308
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10826
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11498
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11927
level Defender Encore
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14057
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11715
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9702
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11685
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11406
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10304
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11370
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12161
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12174
level Defender Patriots Guild
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13174
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11958
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 9414
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9730
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10630
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 9028
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11237
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10894
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11775
level Defender "Matang Agila"
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13913
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11754
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10830
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10487
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10179
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9944
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9882
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11032
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11175
level Defender CHINA.COC
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13686
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11924
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9570
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9953
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9582
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9441
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9989
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11195
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9234
level Defender Death Squad
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 4
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10584
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 48 0 1 4090
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker $$$WaR-GoDz$$$
Level: 33
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13478
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10721
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11691
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11792
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11327
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11301
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12113
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12093
level Attacker PIRATES
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13733
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11841
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10778
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11712
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12251
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11945
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11907
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12026
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11964
level Attacker Dawg Empire
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13553
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11736
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10487
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11274
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11981
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11999
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11916
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11705
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11772
level Attacker Whitee Knights
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14021
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11865
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10172
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11328
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11993
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11393
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11427
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12122
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12054
level Attacker farm warriors
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14078
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10253
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11562
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11954
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11924
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11418
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12146
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12174
level Attacker KURD
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 17
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11358
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 82 2 2 8370
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11951
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 31 0 1 3160
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11762
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11730
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-06-21T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-06-24T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 411,111
attack Total Attacks: 94
Raids Completed: 10
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 37
Offensive Reward: 219
Defensive Reward: 227

Attack Log (5)

level Defender جوارح العرب
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13394
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11832
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10220
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11280
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10209
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11053
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11136
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12113
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10760
level Defender polska
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13200
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10807
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8928
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9975
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10406
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11744
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10638
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10917
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10789
level Defender Knights Templar
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13730
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11113
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9288
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9868
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10496
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9568
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10415
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11761
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12183
level Defender LEGENDARY PERU
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13436
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11836
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9477
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10254
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10216
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9646
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10319
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10934
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11058
level Defender The Mong ELITE
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 3
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 51 2 1 5565
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10547
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker 這個部落沒有人
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13475
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11604
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10757
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11121
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11900
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11786
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11298
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11531
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12132
level Attacker Kabul
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13469
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11382
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10295
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11741
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12029
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11976
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11468
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12129
level Attacker 万里一空
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13793
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11631
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10691
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11148
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12137
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11999
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12030
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11639
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11655
level Attacker Stockholm
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13958
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11589
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10205
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11085
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12323
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11747
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12018
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12116
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11547
level Attacker Insomniacs
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13865
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11934
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10706
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11490
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11738
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12032
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11949
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12162
level Attacker BlackNightFever
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13484
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11898
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10142
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11640
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11870
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11336
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12033
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11573
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12159
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-06-14T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-06-17T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 378,093
attack Total Attacks: 91
Raids Completed: 9
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 35
Offensive Reward: 201
Defensive Reward: 259

Attack Log (4)

level Defender Иваново
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14108
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12033
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9661
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9936
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10496
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 10985
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10225
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11244
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11087
level Defender Potato Warrior
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13883
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11323
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9321
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10706
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10399
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10229
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10125
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10430
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10145
level Defender Unity avengers
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14072
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11814
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10284
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11100
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10248
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10742
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10018
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11530
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12024
level Defender ΑΚΑΔΗΜΙΑ
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 18
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 78 1 2 6590
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10559
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8764
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9481
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10022
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 9113
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9815
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9352
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 2 6229

Defense Log (7)

level Attacker brawlers
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13892
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11433
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10616
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11799
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12350
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11339
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11967
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11975
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12147
level Attacker )-(it$quadChaos
Level: 31
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13814
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11982
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10850
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11316
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12008
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11549
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11349
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12023
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11730
level Attacker ARIZONA GAMERS
Level: 30
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13958
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11325
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11118
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12167
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11531
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11829
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12182
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11688
level Attacker كلان الاوفياء
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13904
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11715
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10589
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11553
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12092
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11990
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11772
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11618
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11913
level Attacker Wari Warriors
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13628
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11337
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10160
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11223
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11813
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11837
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11964
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11453
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11466
level Attacker INDO KONDANG
Level: 33
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14048
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11754
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10124
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11073
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12281
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11324
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12113
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11487
level Attacker NEPAL
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 15
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11391
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10682
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 75 2 3 8120
Skeleton Park 4 44 1 3 4480
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11592
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-06-07T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-06-10T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 601,949
attack Total Attacks: 149
Raids Completed: 11
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 57
Offensive Reward: 205
Defensive Reward: 223

Attack Log (7)

level Defender THE DARKEN ROAD
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13457
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10902
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8781
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10548
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9980
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 10465
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10490
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10863
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11321
level Defender INNOCENCE II
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13271
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10796
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9636
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 3 9724
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 3 10819
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10595
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9495
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9320
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11326
level Defender COBRA 88
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 3 12400
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12011
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 9149
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9819
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9731
Dragon Cliffs 3 100 3 2 8379
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9284
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9631
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 1 5568
level Defender Шайтаны
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13593
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11511
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10213
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10295
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11562
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10512
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11219
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11941
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11520
level Defender #6W RULES
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13219
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10796
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9072
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9814
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10140
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10073
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9847
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11239
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10052
level Defender hayal prast
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13545
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11539
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9505
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10176
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10062
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10641
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10339
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11122
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9992
level Defender EVO WARRIOR
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 6
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11176
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 4 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 4 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 4 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9790
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 9683
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker Friends
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13889
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11628
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10115
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11882
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11390
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11691
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11987
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11640
level Attacker sYn
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13715
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11793
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10775
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11187
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11996
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11879
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11558
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12177
level Attacker Bos Gaurus
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13526
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11340
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10664
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11724
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12104
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11891
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11670
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12014
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11931
level Attacker Việt Nam 88
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13466
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12006
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10121
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11763
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11828
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11624
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11766
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11501
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11583
level Attacker taxi clan
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13730
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11481
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10592
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11658
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11795
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11714
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11733
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11873
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11982
level Attacker CWL-Ur.Mu.Bu.Av
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 11
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 88 2 2 9425
Builder's Workshop 5 29 0 1 2510
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12003
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11969
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11472
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-05-31T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-06-03T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 516,473
attack Total Attacks: 126
Raids Completed: 11
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 49
Offensive Reward: 209
Defensive Reward: 237

Attack Log (6)

level Defender King's Empire
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 5 11959
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11027
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8614
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 3 9559
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9576
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 9011
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9597
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9747
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 2 6120
level Defender 189
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13583
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11366
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9128
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 10152
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10676
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10443
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10186
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12197
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11529
level Defender Army of Jokers2
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13517
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10994
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9157
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10520
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10409
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9546
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10238
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11501
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11332
level Defender kelane marda
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13370
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11808
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10827
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9714
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10318
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9634
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10043
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10779
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10750
level Defender В ШОКоладе
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13490
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11347
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10123
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10602
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10949
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10721
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10671
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10909
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11474
level Defender Silver Sword
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 8
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9993
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9140
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 8914
Dragon Cliffs 4 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9213
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (7)

level Attacker 分歧者联盟
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14024
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11883
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10841
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11751
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12167
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11946
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11648
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11523
level Attacker Kampar comunity
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13505
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12057
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10115
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12074
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11468
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11537
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11961
level Attacker Rumah Nenek
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13793
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11772
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10286
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11757
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12125
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11309
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11310
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11459
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11745
level Attacker ОРДЕН ЧЕСТИ
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13448
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11664
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10751
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11475
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11873
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11831
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11949
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11522
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11763
level Attacker SK611
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13871
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11955
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10577
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11589
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11810
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11429
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11712
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12029
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11484
level Attacker UK LADS
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14033
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11547
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10724
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11475
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12206
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11513
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11619
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11954
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker Wet Bandits
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 7
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11310
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11508
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12122
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11465
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11694
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11546
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12195
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-05-24T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-05-27T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 497,847
attack Total Attacks: 124
Raids Completed: 10
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 45
Offensive Reward: 201
Defensive Reward: 270

Attack Log (6)

level Defender les piranhas
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13604
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11343
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9796
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10297
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10958
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10275
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10971
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11774
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11940
level Defender Ice and Fire
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11943
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9802
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10795
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11031
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11081
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10966
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11558
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11058
level Defender Shinsetsu
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13736
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10262
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8912
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9025
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9806
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 8914
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9475
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10776
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10835
level Defender #Lietuva
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13757
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11502
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10838
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11664
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11896
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10464
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11038
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12076
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11398
level Defender SUMAANG WARRIOR
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13394
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10919
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9613
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10293
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10742
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9502
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10938
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11347
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11413
level Defender Warlords
Level: 32
attack Attack Count: 0
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker Req N Leave
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13520
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11775
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10619
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11091
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12035
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11828
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11910
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11576
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11691
level Attacker 1戰成名
Level: 35
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13748
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11655
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10454
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11505
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11789
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11474
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12015
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12140
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12198
level Attacker ERRORLESS
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13661
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11583
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10649
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11724
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11732
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11900
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11817
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12143
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11799
level Attacker NEMESIS
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13835
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11520
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10682
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11601
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11798
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11444
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11898
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11678
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11682
level Attacker *Nerf Herders*
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 77 2 5 9560
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11547
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10589
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11604
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12308
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11708
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12104
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11658
level Attacker LOS ADULTOS
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 35
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13517
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11877
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10652
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11652
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11792
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11495
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11511
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12032
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11631
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-05-17T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-05-20T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 546,608
attack Total Attacks: 131
Raids Completed: 10
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 51
Offensive Reward: 209
Defensive Reward: 308

Attack Log (6)

level Defender Keep smiling
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13385
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 10970
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8533
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 3 8997
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9371
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 8688
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9045
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 10159
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 2 6295
level Defender quebec
Level: 31
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14012
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11907
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10859
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11712
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12215
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12020
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11811
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12143
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender 7 Ronin
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13207
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9770
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8762
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9640
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10525
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11273
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11110
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11527
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12032
level Defender REQ
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 12915
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11328
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9564
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10115
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9864
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 9045
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9382
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 9771
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10788
level Defender IRAN
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13071
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10269
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9354
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10388
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10162
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 8867
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10538
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10743
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10225
level Defender angell...
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 14
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 58 2 1 4870
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9695
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9944
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10324
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10233
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11724
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11251

Defense Log (6)

level Attacker BATTLE THRONE
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13628
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11520
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10115
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11784
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12224
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11723
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11502
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12188
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11883
level Attacker Auszeit
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 37
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13631
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 11856
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10664
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11724
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11954
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 12005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11643
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11657
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11613
level Attacker The One
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13550
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11967
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10478
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11151
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11765
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11903
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11661
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11852
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11931
level Attacker Ice_Teufel_333
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13796
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11463
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11232
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11711
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11966
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11937
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11954
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11625
level Attacker قشم
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 40
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13946
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11592
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10790
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11511
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 5 12287
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 11930
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11634
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12056
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12075
level Attacker Cl@ndestinos
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 16
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11643
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10196
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11316
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 43 0 1 5635
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11508
Skeleton Park 4 86 2 2 9950
Goblin Mines 4 75 2 2 9370