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Clash Royale Player Stats

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clan badge SRX

level Level 23
Arena Frozen Peak
trophy Trophies 2,317
trophy Highest Trophies 2,317
trophy Legacy Trophy Road High Score 2,245
Win Rate 65.27 %
Wins 109
Losses 58
battles Battle Count 167
Three Crown Wins 137
star points Star Points 11,344
Total Exp Points 11,444
Gametime 9.74 Hours
Account Created
challenge Challenge Stats
Cards Won 0
Max Wins 0
Tournament Tournament Stats
Cards Won 0
Battle Count 0
cards Card Donations
Sent (per week) 0
Received (per week) 0
Sent (all time) 100

Goblin Road

Arena: Goblins 1

Favorite Card

Battle Deck

Lvl 7 Lvl 10 Lvl 8 Lvl 8
Lvl 9 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 8
Lvl 9

Upcoming Chests

Next +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +13 +48 +155 +189 +397

Cards (58)

Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 7 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 10 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 9 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 10 Lvl 8 Lvl 10 Lvl 9 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 8 Lvl 7 Lvl 7 Lvl 7 Lvl 7 Lvl 9 Lvl 8 Lvl 5 Lvl 3

Support Cards (1)

Lvl 9

Badges (3)

YearsPlayed badgeBattleWins badgeCollectionLevel badge

Achievements (12)

Name star Stars Value target Target info Info Status
Team Player 3 29 1 Join a Clan complete
Friend in Need 1 100 250 Donate 250 cards incomplete
Road to Glory 3 8 6 Reach Arena 6 complete
Gatherer 3 58 40 Collect 40 cards complete
TV Royale 0 0 1 Watch a TV Royale Replay incomplete
Tournament Rewards 0 0 1000 Win 1000 cards from tournaments incomplete
Tournament Host 0 0 1 Create and finish one tournament incomplete
Tournament Player 0 0 1 Join a tournament incomplete
Challenge Streak 0 0 4 Get 4 wins in a single Challenge incomplete
Practice with Friends 3 16 10 Win 10 Friendly Battles complete
Special Challenge 0 0 1 Participate in 1 unique Special Event Challenges incomplete
Friend in Need II 0 100 5000 Donate 5000 cards incomplete