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clan-capital-airship Clan Capital Raid Info #2QJQQJ90R | Clash of Clans

Capital Total Loot

Other Stats

State: Ongoing
clock Start Time: 2024-04-26T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-29T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 2
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (3)

level Attacker war king
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12265
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9834
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8955
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9424
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10360
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9276
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9874
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 10364
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10531
level Attacker ~СОЮЗ~
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 89 2 2 8815
Wizard Valley 5 80 2 2 6195
Balloon Lagoon 5 83 2 2 7505
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9691
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9165
Golem Quarry 5 78 2 3 7580
Skeleton Park 4 85 2 2 8290
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 9931
level Attacker Silen killer
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12271
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9693
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8646
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9736
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10009
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9363
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9559
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10346
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10534
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-04-19T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-22T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 3
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (4)

level Attacker noGrace
Level: 12
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12763
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10134
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9000
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9367
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9790
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 8814
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9523
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10325
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10549
level Attacker IndoGreatGuild
Level: 10
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 7 12718
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10086
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8634
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9526
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9679
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9036
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9301
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10076
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9907
level Attacker 0815
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12247
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10089
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9084
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9376
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9994
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 8796
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9568
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 9992
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9901
level Attacker Class Of Clans
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 18
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 7
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9603
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8778
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9757
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9937
Dragon Cliffs 5 27 0 1 2415
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9502
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10439
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9928
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-04-12T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-15T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 4
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker slawi 407
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12745
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9705
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8760
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9925
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10375
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9180
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9871
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10361
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10540
level Attacker Les chômeurs
Level: 11
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12730
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10050
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9105
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9880
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10270
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9405
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9853
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10295
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10465
level Attacker wonk ndeso
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12646
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10092
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8538
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9730
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10030
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 8850
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10415
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10435
level Attacker SA Rangers
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12670
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10248
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8730
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9775
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10120
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9438
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9760
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10040
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10060
level Attacker Warhog
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 13
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9850
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10276
Dragon Cliffs 5 24 1 1 1730
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9910
Skeleton Park 4 62 2 2 5900
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10540
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-04-05T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-08T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 3
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (4)

level Attacker ایران.
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12735
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10143
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9105
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9550
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10145
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10442
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10549
level Attacker Maize Runner
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12585
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9975
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9051
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9925
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10265
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9255
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9595
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10490
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10318
level Attacker SURABAYA CASTLE
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12765
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9900
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9078
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9646
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10220
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9279
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9355
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10415
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10120
level Attacker night watch
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 10
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 60 2 1 5115
Wizard Valley 5 56 2 1 4755
Balloon Lagoon 5 23 0 1 3120
Builder's Workshop 5 63 1 1 5845
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 50 2 1 4575
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10385
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10525
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-29T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-01T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 4
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker پارسیان
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12750
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9150
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9850
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10148
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9330
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9685
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10280
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10510
level Attacker TNTPRO
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12735
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 9600
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8925
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10385
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9405
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9916
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 9935
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10510
level Attacker THE BULLIES
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12420
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10158
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 9075
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9730
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9965
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 9405
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9910
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10466
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10510
level Attacker RiseAboveYou
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12540
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10221
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8910
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10385
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 9420
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9355
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10055
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10195
level Attacker x los pitufos x
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 7
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8766
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9400
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10295
Dragon Cliffs 5 23 0 1 2260
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9490
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10445
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10315
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-22T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-03-25T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 4
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (4)

level Attacker Low Level THs
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12725
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10149
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8470
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9105
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9675
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 8955
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9511
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10115
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10305
level Attacker dragon
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12365
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9885
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9030
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9400
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10385
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9105
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9535
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10535
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10515
level Attacker Another One
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12362
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10095
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9066
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10265
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9138
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10163
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10305
level Attacker AHLIE'sJEWEL's
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12668
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 9780
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9060
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9445
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 10262
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9330
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9832
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 10505
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10390
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-15T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-03-18T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 4
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker ASO
Level: 11
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12071
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9885
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8365
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8673
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9495
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9154
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9451
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 9851
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10204
level Attacker DIBANISHI
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12650
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10230
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8470
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9090
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9610
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10520
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10420
level Attacker الكاسح ✨✨
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 7 12749
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8395
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9159
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9549
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9445
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9955
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10535
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10225
level Attacker D. O. P
Level: 12
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12770
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9810
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8350
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8850
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9495
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9715
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10535
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10540
level Attacker World War Rise
Level: 11
attack Attack Count: 17
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10245
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8545
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9180
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9585
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9910
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10265
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10540
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-08T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-03-11T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 2
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker سورياالحرة بحبگ
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 12075
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10251
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8230
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9030
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9855
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9403
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9460
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10040
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10435
level Attacker X MANTAN EAGLE
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12200
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10245
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 7990
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9168
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9510
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9415
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9910
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10475
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10513
level Attacker OMA RAIKHOS
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 8
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9585
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9460
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10340
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10270
level Attacker Sauhaufen 2
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 14
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8290
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9855
Dragon Cliffs 5 71 2 3 6525
Golem Quarry 5 98 2 2 8955
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10415
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
level Attacker Dynasty
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 1
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 69 2 1 5395
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-01T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-03-04T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 3
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker 92547
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12170
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10095
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8503
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9150
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9810
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9910
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10490
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10225
level Attacker صقور قاسيون
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12650
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9720
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8485
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9090
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9627
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9349
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9460
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10535
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10075
level Attacker GALACTICOS
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 7
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9955
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10535
Goblin Mines 4 22 0 1 2980
level Attacker not the wombles
Level: 12
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12530
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10050
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8410
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8850
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 9795
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 8941
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9730
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10415
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10480
level Attacker les socialistes
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 16
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 59 2 1 4370
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 7870
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8826
Builder's Workshop 5 88 2 2 7945
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 8815
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9580
Skeleton Park 4 83 2 2 8205
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9940
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-02-23T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-02-26T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 4
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker Lion_hearted
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12200
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9945
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8545
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9165
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9453
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9445
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9940
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10100
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10220
level Attacker My Friend 2
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12485
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10095
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8500
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9210
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9615
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 8965
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9835
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10490
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9875
level Attacker Tam Đảo Club
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12530
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8284
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8955
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9325
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9880
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10070
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10100
level Attacker Empire Lords
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 41 0 1 1230
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10080
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 7960
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8865
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9579
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9445
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9670
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10535
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10265
level Attacker Adultes Qc
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12635
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9945
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8560
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9150
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9555
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9475
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10415
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9985
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-02-16T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-02-19T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 3
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Attack Log (1)

level Defender Patriome
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 0
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 4 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 4 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 4 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 4 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 3 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 4 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 3 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 2 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (4)

level Attacker 诸神黄昏
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12350
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10278
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8470
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9090
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9325
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9865
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10268
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9795
level Attacker Viñalpo 14
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12560
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10245
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8500
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9165
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9100
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9865
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10085
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10230
level Attacker THE PREDATOR
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12530
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10260
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8500
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8565
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9855
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9145
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9685
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10490
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9870
level Attacker BornToKill
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 2
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 66 1 2 6480
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-02-09T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-02-12T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 5
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker DUMAGUIT
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12485
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10179
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8350
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9078
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9435
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9580
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10340
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10015
level Attacker MONSTER
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12320
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10155
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8560
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9219
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9810
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9175
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9910
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10355
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10120
level Attacker FRIENDS FOREVER
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12650
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9870
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8356
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9225
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9435
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 8935
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10415
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10170
level Attacker DiamondCityBlue
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12590
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9990
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8368
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9135
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9615
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9451
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10325
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10290
level Attacker SIMBUANG CLAN
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12335
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9576
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8305
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8925
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9564
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9256
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9739
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 9911
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10011
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-02-02T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-02-05T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 71,251
attack Total Attacks: 18
Raids Completed: 5
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 8
Offensive Reward: 170
Defensive Reward: 219

Attack Log (1)

level Defender أسود الحرب
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 18
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11710
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8305
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 8970
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9370
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 9010
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 8605
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9041
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 2 6240

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker POTATOES!
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12555
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 10185
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8491
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9126
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9675
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 9370
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9535
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10460
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10070
level Attacker ⚔️LEGEND'S ⚔️
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12630
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9939
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8509
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9210
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9955
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10295
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10040
level Attacker TGRN COMUNITY
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12600
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10020
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 7990
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8865
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9669
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9295
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9835
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10040
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10195
level Attacker VIKINGS ONE⚡️
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12630
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10176
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8239
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8913
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9435
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9430
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9718
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 10475
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9739
level Attacker INDIAN STARS⭐
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12515
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 9930
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8563
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9036
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9831
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9394
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9649
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10364
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 10216
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-01-26T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-29T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 3
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker 3XGUILD
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12420
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10290
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8461
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9210
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9583
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10310
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 8225
level Attacker Faraó do Brasil
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12405
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 9870
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8425
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9165
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9435
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9535
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10478
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 8741
level Attacker João e pão
Level: 11
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12468
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9870
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8470
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8715
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9495
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 8725
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9925
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10490
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 8840
level Attacker casa de papel
Level: 12
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 7
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 52 2 1 4320
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8590
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9210
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9922
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10520
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10025
level Attacker Scorpions
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 18
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 90 2 2 8460
Wizard Valley 5 96 2 2 7565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9849
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9715
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 9824
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10121
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-01-19T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-22T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 5
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker شباب اكلان
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12135
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10050
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8560
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8850
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9825
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 8725
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9925
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 10505
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 1 3625
level Attacker MASHTER 22
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12510
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10176
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8545
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8865
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 8875
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9685
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10340
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 6926
level Attacker 紫霞玫瑰&妙音坊
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12150
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8215
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9015
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9705
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9910
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10451
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 6836
level Attacker fast winers
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12249
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10200
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8515
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9099
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9759
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 8950
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9790
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 9890
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 7475
level Attacker VENGADORES...RD
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12354
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10254
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8431
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9030
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9435
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9145
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9670
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10490
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 7454
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-01-12T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-15T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 4
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker KÅLĀM
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12585
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 10056
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8230
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9165
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9810
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9430
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9925
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10346
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 1 3240
level Attacker Myanmar fighter
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12420
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10110
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8290
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9015
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9555
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9085
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10466
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 1 2940
level Attacker حرب⭐النجوم⭐
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12405
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10050
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8515
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9684
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9430
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9664
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10415
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 1 3300
level Attacker Pro Pelurit
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12285
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10275
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8545
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8715
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 8800
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10115
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 1 3300
level Attacker Comb@tivWarrior
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 0
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-01-05T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-08T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 4
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker history A.B.O.K
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12489
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 9810
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 7990
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9006
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9765
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9313
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9800
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9120
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2575
level Attacker PERSAUDARAAN
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12585
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10290
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8500
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9210
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9470
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9315
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2560
level Attacker NEW S.B.O group
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 11910
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9645
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8545
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9015
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9810
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9175
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9770
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 8970
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2620
level Attacker Clash of Clans
Level: 12
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12210
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10245
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8515
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9000
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9270
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9016
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9350
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 4 9345
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2581
level Attacker clan war
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10065
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8506
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9120
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9522
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9085
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9880
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9280
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 1 2976
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2023-12-29T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-01T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 3
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (4)

level Attacker ❤مشهد❤
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12435
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9720
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8470
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9810
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9250
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9710
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 8970
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2635
level Attacker Zaxo dalal
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 7 12225
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8575
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9030
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9415
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9860
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9240
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2500
level Attacker VierSiebener
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12630
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9795
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8554
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9210
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9510
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9175
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9950
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9270
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2641
level Attacker king_of_perlis
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 16
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9768
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8500
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 42 1 1 3210
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9415
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9360
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2560
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2023-12-22T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2023-12-25T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 5
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker Cloud Recesses
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12456
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10065
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8140
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8556
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9795
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 8806
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9818
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 8790
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2575
level Attacker Coconut Malled
Level: 12
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12459
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10215
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 7888
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9810
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 9400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9530
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9330
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2437
level Attacker !Cry Havoc!
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12630
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10008
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8560
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9090
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9346
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9530
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9273
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2518
level Attacker ZombiApocalypse
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12180
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 9717
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8410
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8985
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9615
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9085
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9761
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9390
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2440
level Attacker Long Thanh no.1
Level: 11
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12585
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9729
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8470
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9165
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9510
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9025
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9905
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9270
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2560
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2023-12-15T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2023-12-18T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 5
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker ملوك ليبيا
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12516
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8410
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9855
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 9445
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9785
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9201
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2380
level Attacker Foxy burrow
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12390
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10290
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8590
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9210
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9135
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9545
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 8970
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2635
level Attacker TheBois
Level: 10
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12630
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9930
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8410
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9186
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9684
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 8947
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9530
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9330
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2650
level Attacker ARMAGEDDON
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12387
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10035
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8530
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 8976
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9720
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9229
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9398
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9150
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2440
level Attacker Poseidon ⚓
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12390
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10155
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 1 7945
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 8995
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9920
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9255
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2635
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2023-12-08T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2023-12-11T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 0
attack Total Attacks: 0
Raids Completed: 5
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 0
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Defense Log (5)

level Attacker Sweet Heart
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12420
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10134
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8590
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 9210
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9819
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9370
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9940
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 8850
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2505
level Attacker Winterfeste01
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12525
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9954
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8275
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9090
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9615
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9190
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9564
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9030
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2550
level Attacker WAR LOVERS
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 12555
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 10131
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8425
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 8976
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9516
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9430
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 9675
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 8910
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2580
level Attacker MultiGames
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12465
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10245
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8524
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9048
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9585
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9175
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9900
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 3 9339
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2535
level Attacker الملكه
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12510
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10026
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8380
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 9885
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9313
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9615
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9150
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 1 2512