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clan-capital-airship Clan Capital Raid Info #8QU22YP9 | Clash of Clans

Capital Total Loot

Other Stats

State: Ongoing
clock Start Time: 2024-04-26T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-29T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 873,677
attack Total Attacks: 209
Raids Completed: 14
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 80
Offensive Reward: 0
Defensive Reward: 0

Members (35)

Name attack Attacks Attack Limit
(+ Bonus attack-clan-capital-bonus)
capital-gold Capital Resources Looted
lim kian fee 6 5 (+1) 33591
chrisL 6 5 (+1) 32193
JackyYau 6 5 (+1) 32048
Pong 6 5 (+1) 30792
轩尼诗、小萱 6 5 (+1) 30617
好嘉加 6 5 (+1) 30281
team B 6 5 (+1) 29828
春風的希望 6 5 (+1) 29702
Tony 6 5 (+1) 28893
吾係一星MIC芝蓮.善哉善哉. 6 5 (+1) 28750
风一样的男人 6 5 (+1) 28486
四褲全輸 6 5 (+1) 28266
唯一对你不变的就是我的❤ 6 5 (+1) 26824
Ming 6 5 (+1) 26636
以斯帖 6 5 (+1) 25811
光波爐 6 5 (+1) 25675
Cat 6 5 (+1) 25514
wufi 6 5 (+1) 25421
可愛7妹子~ 6 5 (+1) 24888
Aromy 6 5 (+1) 24126
皇帝蟹Mas 6 5 (+1) 24000
小小 6 5 (+1) 23918
轩尼诗、隐庄 6 5 (+1) 23906
Adam 6 5 (+1) 23888
將軍 6 5 (+1) 23332
kokhiu 6 5 (+1) 23310
流星宇 6 5 (+1) 22530
brian 6 5 (+1) 22027
yin 6 5 (+1) 21019
小小杰克 6 5 (+1) 20369
世界 6 5 (+1) 19646
無限大 6 5 (+1) 17879
♠爾《和》維《貴》♠SmilE 6 5 (+1) 17320
都是我太潇洒 6 5 (+1) 11551
yao 5 5 (+0) 10640

Attack Log (9)

level Defender 城市鄉巴老
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13634
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11802
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10271
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10253
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10917
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10748
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10416
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11817
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12141
level Defender 드래곤로드
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13580
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11410
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9180
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9831
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10509
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11317
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10664
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11651
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11735
level Defender PARSIAN
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13490
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10503
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9163
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9935
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9953
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9425
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9795
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11248
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10771
level Defender INVICTUS
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14024
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10602
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10006
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9698
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10591
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9810
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10331
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11502
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11223
level Defender BIEN HOA CITY
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13427
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10337
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9111
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9676
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10047
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 8300
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10638
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10738
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10498
level Defender 3 samudra
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13373
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11809
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9574
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10406
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10567
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10904
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10119
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11449
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11485
level Defender 40대 이야기
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13473
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11541
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9043
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9501
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9813
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9301
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10225
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11048
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11127
level Defender VanishingRocket
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13559
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11129
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9675
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11302
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10082
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11747
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10494
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11371
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11669
level Defender mad clan
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 27 0 1 2040
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11964
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10316
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9912
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10571
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11719
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10520
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12144
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11987

Defense Log (7)

level Attacker Crusher
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13475
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11583
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10796
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11804
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11351
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11856
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11534
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12057
level Attacker .BUMANGA GIBA.
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13442
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11505
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10730
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11640
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11780
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11691
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11957
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12063
level Attacker Elite
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13757
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11412
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10133
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11466
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12251
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11987
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11853
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11882
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11826
level Attacker blazing saddles
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13427
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11313
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10382
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11469
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12044
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11786
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11811
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11969
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11925
level Attacker 1966 England
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14009
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11451
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10373
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11784
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11630
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11753
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11829
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12185
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11985
level Attacker MUSAFIR
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13991
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11649
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10154
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11469
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11924
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11516
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11736
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11565
level Attacker Alcachofa27
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 85 2 6 11350
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11880
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10556
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11640
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11921
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11825
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11748
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11624
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11769
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-04-19T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-22T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 900,518
attack Total Attacks: 213
Raids Completed: 14
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 84
Offensive Reward: 216
Defensive Reward: 235

Attack Log (10)

level Defender Last Black Cat
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13865
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11484
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9276
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9709
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9822
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9646
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10473
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11388
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11639
level Defender Käse Füsse
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14099
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11037
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9038
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9877
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9878
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9499
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10111
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11366
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 12129
level Defender UZBEKISTON N1
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14015
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11916
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10418
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9755
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10199
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9990
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10309
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11000
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10047
level Defender #German Boys
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13469
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11237
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9453
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9768
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10086
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11034
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10659
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11473
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11046
level Defender KUCINGAN BOLO
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13886
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11658
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9351
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9887
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9721
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9288
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10181
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11290
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11623
level Defender FILIPINO PRIDE
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 4 12625
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11183
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 3 9074
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9265
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10016
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 9937
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9434
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9877
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 2 6315
level Defender Sombra d Mordor
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13964
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10603
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9229
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10435
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10106
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10071
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10933
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11424
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11348
level Defender Overmind
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13727
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10842
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9174
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10031
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10108
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10115
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10145
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11492
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10987
level Defender Maranata
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13985
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11383
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9601
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9954
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10210
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9604
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9373
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10971
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11278
level Defender vip007pro
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 7
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 9126
Balloon Lagoon 4 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 4 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 4 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 4 47 1 1 5220
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10986
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9272

Defense Log (7)

level Attacker pinas GLADIATOR
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13772
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11916
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10142
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11487
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11834
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11786
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11313
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11900
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12141
level Attacker India
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13505
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11679
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10766
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11076
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12287
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11820
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12149
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12090
level Attacker TACH Dominion
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13883
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11418
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11412
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12077
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11894
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11982
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12161
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11475
level Attacker TITAN GEL&P.MAX
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13958
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11625
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10136
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11700
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11924
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12011
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11697
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11999
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11784
level Attacker Vista Ridge III
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13688
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11988
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10379
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11718
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11945
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12023
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11793
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12005
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12201
level Attacker Washington WL's
Level: 35
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 82 2 4 12080
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11706
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10184
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11757
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12323
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11987
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11709
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12020
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12189
level Attacker Eesti 2020
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11814
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10295
Balloon Lagoon 5 92 1 2 9640
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12212
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11418
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11643
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-04-12T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-15T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 961,512
attack Total Attacks: 232
Raids Completed: 16
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 86
Offensive Reward: 203
Defensive Reward: 255

Attack Log (10)

level Defender 공수래공수거
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13925
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11601
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10635
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10940
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11115
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11015
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11655
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11450
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12113
level Defender スマイル
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13904
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11760
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11295
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11655
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender Twilight Force
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13445
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11650
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9275
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11075
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11110
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10039
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11375
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11635
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11930
level Defender ☆Umbrella☆
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13975
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11733
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9985
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10460
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11531
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10110
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11795
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11605
level Defender ایرانیان
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 12335
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10230
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8980
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9161
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10150
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 8915
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9645
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9590
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 8395
level Defender Die Neuklugen
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11090
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9520
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10460
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10215
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11415
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10585
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11585
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12070
level Defender Titans
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13275
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10790
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9680
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10150
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10400
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9915
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10155
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10730
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10830
level Defender 2003 y 2005
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11880
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9866
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10264
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10885
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10450
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11490
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11760
level Defender IMPERADORES BR
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13370
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11830
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9585
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10205
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10165
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10690
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11370
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10755
level Defender Nhà rồng 2002
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 16
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 33 0 1 3720
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9740
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 55 2 2 5275
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9830
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10195
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11760
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11030

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker NO DEFAULTS
Level: 2
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13925
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11670
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10385
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11550
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 12068
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11510
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11700
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 12005
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker KINGS OF MAYHEM
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14060
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11865
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10595
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12095
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11405
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11844
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12050
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker BANGLA CLAN
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13910
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12045
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10580
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11655
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12260
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11660
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11709
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker tropang shimbot
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11898
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10820
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11360
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker CSK
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 7 13670
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11940
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10715
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11790
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12185
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 12015
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11825
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11535
level Attacker Clan Warriors
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14060
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11616
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10178
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11421
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12263
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11660
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 12015
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12050
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12180
level Attacker KINGS ROCK
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14096
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11190
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12131
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11874
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11930
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker Ancient Kingdom
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 9
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 84 2 3 8985
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 93 2 3 10795
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12050
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-04-05T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-08T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 871,030
attack Total Attacks: 207
Raids Completed: 14
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 80
Offensive Reward: 207
Defensive Reward: 250

Attack Log (9)

level Defender Infante's
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10585
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9615
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9915
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10495
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9665
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11880
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender Web Rage Farm 6
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13670
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10890
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9504
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10525
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10895
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11165
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10715
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11669
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11760
level Defender HUNTER
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11940
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9065
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10325
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10265
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10355
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10725
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11610
level Defender DMCHST
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11303
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9355
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10300
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10255
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10640
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11405
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11500
level Defender ZFH rockt
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13885
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11640
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9740
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10416
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10645
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9715
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10745
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11440
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11110
level Defender 乌托邦
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13445
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11610
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10255
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10650
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10935
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10230
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10309
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10460
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10690
level Defender 阿里巴巴和四十大盗
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11535
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9660
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10315
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10800
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10770
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10125
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11585
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11275
level Defender Цивилизация
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12725
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11510
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 9150
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9460
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10200
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 9740
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9990
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9970
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 1 5790
level Defender BOSS ASSASSINS
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 87 2 3 10605
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10085
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8825
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9685
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10024
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 9425
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9590
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9655
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 2 6315

Defense Log (7)

level Attacker Ganja Warriors
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11856
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10160
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11295
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11984
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11810
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11973
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11835
level Attacker M.E.E.R.R.R
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11880
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12305
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11915
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker 50 HEADS 1 GOAL
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13550
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11685
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11610
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11615
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11765
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11520
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11900
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker گیلان
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11976
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10715
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12015
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11846
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker BlackForest
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10721
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11445
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12050
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12015
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12080
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker Unbreakable
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13985
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11385
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10709
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11685
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11990
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11405
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11820
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11975
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11610
level Attacker SWE
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 5
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 82 2 2 9385
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-29T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-04-01T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 898,591
attack Total Attacks: 211
Raids Completed: 16
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 83
Offensive Reward: 216
Defensive Reward: 274

Attack Log (10)

level Defender MANGGILANG
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12908
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10940
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9653
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10335
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10915
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9987
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10510
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11055
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10725
level Defender Romans Road
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13490
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11805
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9480
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10145
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10640
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11625
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10424
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11690
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10700
level Defender Indian Tigers
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11535
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9700
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9824
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10450
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10535
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10425
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11060
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11270
level Defender BHINEKA TUNGGAL
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12875
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10955
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9248
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10395
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10668
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 10495
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10475
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10900
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10690
level Defender donate
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13593
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11325
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9655
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10088
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10215
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9665
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10485
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10510
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10865
level Defender Royal Gambit
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10815
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9455
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10195
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10480
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9530
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10365
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11900
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11470
level Defender La Furia 10
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13221
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11210
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10015
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10855
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11170
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10820
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10525
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11030
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10800
level Defender Immortals
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10645
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9271
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10125
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10445
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9660
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10130
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10870
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10785
level Defender BISAYA WARYOR
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 3 11640
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10758
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 3 8860
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9685
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10370
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 9375
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9310
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9790
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 1 5920
level Defender MikroPP
Level: 9
attack Attack Count: 8
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10860
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 66 2 2 7620
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11403

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker War Tails
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 36
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13400
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10820
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11736
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12350
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 7 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11930
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11940
level Attacker Peace Makers
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11526
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12095
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11765
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11931
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11925
level Attacker Elastis Cat Arm
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11235
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11735
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11595
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11975
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker RomaniaFTW
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13820
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11730
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12320
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11660
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11421
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker ♡BỞI VÌ ĐAM MÊ♡
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13805
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11721
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11405
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker BLOODLINES
Level: 31
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13820
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11460
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12140
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker BLACK AND BLUE
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11865
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker LoyalWarriors#
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 5
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 90 2 2 10755
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-22T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-03-25T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 902,612
attack Total Attacks: 211
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 82
Offensive Reward: 217
Defensive Reward: 262

Attack Log (10)

level Defender Kitsune
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 12925
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9900
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9410
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10325
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10450
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9488
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10435
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10950
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10495
level Defender 深渊
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13630
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11460
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9930
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10615
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10501
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9671
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11101
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10715
level Defender Team Univex
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14081
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11290
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8928
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10095
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10405
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9655
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10423
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11040
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12110
level Defender adults only
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13520
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11865
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11120
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10685
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11665
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11675
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12003
level Defender Minnesota Stars
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10690
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 8940
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10180
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10490
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9830
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10275
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11320
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11490
level Defender B. M. A.
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10095
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10440
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10560
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9985
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10130
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10935
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10895
level Defender *Watch Dogs*
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13982
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10799
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9395
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10165
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10615
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9680
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10365
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11480
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11510
level Defender SIANG RIDERS
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11780
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9930
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9860
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9895
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10520
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9650
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11830
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11550
level Defender Active Warriors
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10085
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10965
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10780
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10540
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10730
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11760
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender Third Warning
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 2
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10955
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (7)

level Attacker anh em vui vẻ
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14060
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 11835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11715
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12065
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11930
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11835
level Attacker بارون
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13520
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11595
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11915
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11670
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker 外星聯盟2
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 35
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 7 14090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11865
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10790
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11580
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12260
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11765
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11963
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker PainisTemporary
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13571
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12030
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10721
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11490
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12350
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11660
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11967
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker England Raiders
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13940
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10190
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker ALLIANCE
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11385
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10715
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11580
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12335
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12083
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11883
level Attacker Fun Clan
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 6
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 29 0 1 2740
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 97 2 2 10925
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-15T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-03-18T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 879,796
attack Total Attacks: 212
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 80
Offensive Reward: 204
Defensive Reward: 288

Attack Log (9)

level Defender Wittner
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13647
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10675
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9495
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10680
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11025
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10964
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10465
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11740
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11760
level Defender entertinment
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13561
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11560
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9510
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10151
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10333
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9700
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10335
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10760
level Defender Несущие Страх
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12845
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10945
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9790
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9890
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9925
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9740
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10210
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11455
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11705
level Defender King’s Realm
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13130
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10595
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9230
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10020
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10090
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9390
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10000
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10955
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10955
level Defender Catala collonut
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13595
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11445
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender Blue Montou
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11820
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9365
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9589
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11335
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9465
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10550
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12070
level Defender Sword art onlin
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 4 12175
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11270
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 9150
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9640
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 3 10307
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 4 9554
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9795
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9630
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 1 5940
level Defender Gonzo
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13730
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9085
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9905
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10390
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9940
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10465
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11225
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10595
level Defender K.H.S.S KNIGHTS
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 84 2 3 12090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12030
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10630
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10705
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10240
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11600
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10310
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11105
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10830

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker معركة العرب
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11730
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12065
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11445
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11760
level Attacker 無言でもアクティグに。
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13925
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11940
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11790
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12254
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11825
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11604
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11963
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker 40 and Over UK7
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11535
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10559
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11690
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12011
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 12021
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11835
level Attacker The Raided
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11940
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10586
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11295
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12344
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11825
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker 高兴就好
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 35
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14066
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12030
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10790
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11445
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11630
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11877
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11450
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11949
level Attacker D'CHAPRICORN
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10805
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11790
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12320
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11670
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11825
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker Alpha Empire
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 35
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 7 13490
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11790
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10823
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11445
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11810
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11370
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11940
level Attacker Calgary Boonies
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 6
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 26 0 1 2840
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11675
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-08T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-03-11T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 900,324
attack Total Attacks: 214
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 82
Offensive Reward: 212
Defensive Reward: 232

Attack Log (10)

level Defender WTK
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13595
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11070
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9398
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9850
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9915
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10935
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10985
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11230
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10785
level Defender MMX23
Level: 32
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13718
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11385
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10585
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10650
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11345
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11085
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11110
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11985
level Defender Die Chiller
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13850
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10835
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11595
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11915
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11520
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11580
level Defender 火热地带
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13740
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11278
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9420
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9055
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9855
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 9553
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9355
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10624
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10680
level Defender RELAX
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13400
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10615
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9025
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10355
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10660
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9955
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9740
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11023
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10599
level Defender Ark Encounter
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11165
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9425
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10300
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10430
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10395
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10425
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11740
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12110
level Defender Uruguay_cerro
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13515
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11093
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 8906
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9835
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9210
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 8800
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9800
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 9855
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11085
level Defender ELLITES OF FIRE
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13855
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10585
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9553
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9874
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10710
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10205
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10765
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11275
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10920
level Defender Kuh 345
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11175
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10210
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10945
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11560
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10515
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11000
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10865
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11475
level Defender Panamá 507
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 3
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10835

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker ♥FAMILY♥
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14018
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10166
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12140
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11745
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker KAWALIERI ITA
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14075
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12006
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12329
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11765
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker Gold clan
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11460
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker A.C.R SQUAD
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13610
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11220
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12095
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11585
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11670
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11985
level Attacker وار.وار.وار
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11655
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12050
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker شکست ناپذیر
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13820
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11685
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10115
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11595
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11685
level Attacker DI-Tronics
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 13
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 82 2 3 8970
Builder's Workshop 5 24 0 1 2380
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 5 11580
Skeleton Park 4 27 0 1 1995
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
level Attacker Blaze_of_Glory
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 11
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11220
Builder's Workshop 5 33 0 1 3370
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11370
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11525
Goblin Mines 4 85 2 2 10005
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-03-01T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-03-04T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 845,300
attack Total Attacks: 210
Raids Completed: 14
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 75
Offensive Reward: 198
Defensive Reward: 251

Attack Log (9)

level Defender 中國香港OPM
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13586
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10765
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9310
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9950
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10445
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11199
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10180
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 10760
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10960
level Defender KAZAKH-ARLANS
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11355
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9820
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10245
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10315
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9908
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10130
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11235
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10830
level Defender monstaz
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11520
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10195
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10365
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10835
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11010
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10740
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11850
level Defender Clash_Gaming$
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11410
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9510
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9675
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10050
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9685
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10400
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11155
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10830
level Defender Mo cuishle
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13892
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9045
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10105
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10715
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11365
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10580
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10260
level Defender clash bzh
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13523
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11490
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9915
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11125
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 3 11050
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11040
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11285
level Defender ➳DEATHANGEL
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9215
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10400
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10919
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10325
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10585
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11765
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11895
level Defender OMEGA
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13850
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11140
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9488
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10080
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10920
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10090
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10255
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11250
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11260
level Defender ADULT
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 13
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 32 0 1 1510
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9595
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10300
Dragon Cliffs 5 68 2 2 7030
Golem Quarry 5 94 2 2 9150
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11960
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker FR!END$ 4 EVER
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10115
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11840
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11645
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker The Dutch Dudes
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10577
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11634
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11955
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11675
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker ANDHRA TELUGU
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13730
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12009
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10190
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12215
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11837
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11864
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11826
level Attacker U.S.A Elite
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11885
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11675
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker Punisher WARS
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11610
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker قلعة الساجور
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker D-TRACKER
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 56 1 4 6500
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12006
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10658
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11811
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11954
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11765
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11930
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker 2Late4Stop
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 3
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-02-23T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-02-26T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 829,830
attack Total Attacks: 194
Raids Completed: 16
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 74
Offensive Reward: 212
Defensive Reward: 232

Attack Log (9)

level Defender 那一夜床单红了❤️
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13566
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11160
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9534
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10053
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10594
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10312
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10070
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11310
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 12010
level Defender italia war
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11670
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11080
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10885
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10590
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10665
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11720
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11540
level Defender Wooki's Clan
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13736
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11121
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9745
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9905
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10415
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 10085
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10480
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11550
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11515
level Defender Agile Danskere
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11460
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9875
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10260
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10630
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9673
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10185
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11340
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10580
level Defender KALAH MULU
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13740
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10565
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9280
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10280
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10455
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9638
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10320
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11145
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10950
level Defender bloodbath 1.0
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13757
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12020
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10077
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10390
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10700
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11015
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10765
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11290
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender دكه صفا ابهر
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11460
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10715
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10190
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10315
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10430
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11940
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11505
level Defender Cowboys Fans
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14114
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10600
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9380
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9875
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10810
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9920
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10425
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11420
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10850
level Defender Frente Popular
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 9
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 82 2 2 7930
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12065
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 28 0 1 3225
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker $$$$$
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13910
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11073
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11765
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12026
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12185
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11610
level Attacker 미소년 클랜
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11988
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11475
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11765
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11525
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11835
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12170
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12210
level Attacker Lost Island
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13985
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10715
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11790
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11888
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11726
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11568
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12170
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker ÇILGIN TÜRKLER
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11898
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10673
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 12095
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12015
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12050
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker COC REBORNED
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11970
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11445
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11463
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11549
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker the best ever
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11535
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11900
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker Aluminous Kings
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11910
level Attacker Gladiadores st
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14084
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11805
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10790
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11190
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12110
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11903
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11430
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11828
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12051
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-02-16T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-02-19T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 873,172
attack Total Attacks: 201
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 80
Offensive Reward: 215
Defensive Reward: 290

Attack Log (9)

level Defender GOLDSTAR
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 12817
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10670
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9600
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 10180
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9590
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 9890
Golem Quarry 3 100 3 2 9065
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9615
Goblin Mines 3 100 3 2 8890
level Defender " FLEKSIBEL "
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13745
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11365
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9875
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10455
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9606
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10225
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11670
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10754
level Defender myanmar clan
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13580
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11780
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9425
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 3 9385
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9372
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 8943
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10545
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10784
level Defender !Slovak#Only!
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13625
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11871
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9955
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10510
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10360
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10902
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10995
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11590
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10758
level Defender Salz Gaming
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13820
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10715
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10505
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10720
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12020
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11600
level Defender ARGENTINA
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10830
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9510
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10345
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10105
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10500
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9615
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11345
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11005
level Defender LosIntocablesBr
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11770
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9975
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10360
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10475
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10605
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10690
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11220
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11375
level Defender Россия
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11970
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10215
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10345
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9935
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9725
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10135
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10990
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11355
level Defender HaSc
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 18
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 52 2 2 6510
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10925
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9330
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10135
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10675
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9605
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10480
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10850
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11210

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker Р О С С И Я
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14060
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11955
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 5 10523
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11484
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12149
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11810
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker GERMAN EMPIRE
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13595
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11670
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10133
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11550
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12251
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11675
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12045
level Attacker Clankrieger
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13433
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11715
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11880
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12170
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11565
level Attacker Imperio Mundial
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13595
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10325
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11550
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12065
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11735
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12065
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12150
level Attacker Gummibärenbande
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13994
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11760
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11405
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11580
level Attacker Yol Geçen Hanı
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker #inyourFace
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 35
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13745
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11790
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10544
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11430
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12191
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11315
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 5 11736
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11528
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12075
level Attacker arago
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 12
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11745
Skeleton Park 4 97 2 2 11075
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12165
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-02-09T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-02-12T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 873,076
attack Total Attacks: 213
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 79
Offensive Reward: 200
Defensive Reward: 276

Attack Log (9)

level Defender Canadian Eh
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 4 12625
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11083
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 8745
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 3 9335
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9630
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 10015
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 10210
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 10270
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 1 5790
level Defender CASTLE ZERO™
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10805
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11360
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11560
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11815
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12210
level Defender Der Westen
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13370
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11928
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10340
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10310
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10585
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 10050
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10540
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9565
level Defender Elite Ballers
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11660
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9435
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9720
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9855
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9860
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9980
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11530
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11170
level Defender 女神殿
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10140
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10165
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11125
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11565
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10425
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11210
level Defender The Icy Beaver
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13964
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11380
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9400
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9996
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10370
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10155
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10480
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11570
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10508
level Defender Valar Dohaeris
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11928
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10090
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10735
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10900
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11135
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11645
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender LoL Community
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13153
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10115
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9323
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9435
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10155
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10565
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9624
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 9480
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10724
level Defender Black Maples
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 7
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11135
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9355
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10035
Builder's Workshop 5 90 2 2 9060
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11095
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10055
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11250
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11025

Defense Log (9)

level Attacker !!!Ukraine!!!
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12329
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11810
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11610
level Attacker TITANS UNITED™
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13550
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10745
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11475
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12095
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11885
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11640
level Attacker REQ AND LEAVE
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14000
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10655
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11733
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12125
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12140
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker شب نشین ها
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13760
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10805
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12020
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11835
level Attacker CRO
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11685
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10700
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12140
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 11825
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11825
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker Snow Dawg
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13730
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11670
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10595
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11805
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12350
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11663
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11595
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12155
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12210
level Attacker DRAGON QUESTION
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11885
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker Острые Козырьки
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 55 1 2 4665
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10340
Balloon Lagoon 5 99 2 2 11055
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 87 2 2 9565
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11525
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker syria
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 7
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11724
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10304
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 68 2 2 8680
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-02-02T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-02-05T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 866,224
attack Total Attacks: 203
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 78
Offensive Reward: 208
Defensive Reward: 280

Attack Log (9)

level Defender Friend Forever
Level: 2
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 12670
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10895
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9484
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 3 9676
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10585
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9468
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9765
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 9650
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 6320
level Defender Svenska krigare
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11385
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9522
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10510
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10645
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10529
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10715
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11360
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11740
level Defender 1302 Wars 2
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11610
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10385
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10525
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11170
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10795
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11704
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender УЗБЕКИСТОН
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13406
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10015
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10860
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10875
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11085
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10795
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11970
level Defender Neverending St.
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10810
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10020
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10355
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10600
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10555
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10625
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11785
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11373
level Defender TAZ18
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 9 100 3 4 12451
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10945
Wizard Valley 4 100 3 2 9575
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 10255
Builder's Workshop 3 100 3 2 9560
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 3 10235
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 10475
Skeleton Park 3 100 3 2 10195
Goblin Mines 2 100 3 2 6123
level Defender 40 and over uk2
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9735
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10775
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11140
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10945
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11520
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11685
level Defender український топ
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13748
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11380
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9315
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10400
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11135
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10075
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10340
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11215
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11510
level Defender Rep. Srpska
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 16
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11945
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9880
Balloon Lagoon 5 64 2 1 6180
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10695
Dragon Cliffs 5 58 2 1 6360
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10160
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11645
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11405

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker DRAGLONS CLAN
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11610
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker 傲神部落
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11885
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11520
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker peak feeder
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11690
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11600
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker H00LIGANS
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11685
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10790
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11619
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11589
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11729
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker 2MC
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11901
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11310
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11780
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11730
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11450
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker Casual Rage
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14036
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10820
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11760
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11975
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11940
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12078
level Attacker FOX of DESERT
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 39
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14042
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11520
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10715
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11316
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12167
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 9 11855
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 5 11760
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12050
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11952
level Attacker عراق اسمك هيبه
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11826
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10595
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11685
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11735
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11645
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11550
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11825
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-01-26T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-29T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 785,438
attack Total Attacks: 182
Raids Completed: 14
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 71
Offensive Reward: 212
Defensive Reward: 291

Attack Log (8)

level Defender 60 powers team
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13490
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11385
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11245
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11160
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10740
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10900
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11135
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11740
level Defender THE REVENGEFUL
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13880
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10820
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9550
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10325
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10825
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9643
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10375
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11415
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11265
level Defender FURIA DE DRAGON
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13820
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11145
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9514
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 8969
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 9067
Dragon Cliffs 4 100 3 2 8340
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10765
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11310
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10490
level Defender 初之心恋
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12865
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 9974
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9040
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9740
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10345
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9270
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9905
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11080
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 8910
level Defender SAIGON.VN
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13820
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11036
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9995
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11380
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10685
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11330
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10765
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12070
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11420
level Defender SWEda&werk
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13980
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10970
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9460
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10170
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10590
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10395
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10025
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11410
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11070
level Defender شاهین شهر
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11300
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10455
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10210
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9930
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10225
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11100
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10680
level Defender 就很爽~怎么样~
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 55 1 3 8400
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10715
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11595
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11595
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker HELP HARPER 3
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11505
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10595
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12320
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11810
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker War Wolf Legion
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13670
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 5 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12200
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11778
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11996
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker Pilipino
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10841
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11585
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12185
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11835
level Attacker Barching Crazy™
Level: 33
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13691
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11535
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10340
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 5 11700
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12050
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12180
level Attacker Mass Effect
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11754
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12011
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12021
level Attacker Babushka Bash!!
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 36
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13715
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11823
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10724
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11190
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12050
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11375
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11793
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 5 12110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 11985
level Attacker دوستان بامرام
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 7
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 5 12335
Dragon Cliffs 5 54 1 3 5680
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 5 12015
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12080
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11610
level Attacker Vision^Saitama
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11660
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-01-19T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-22T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 782,021
attack Total Attacks: 188
Raids Completed: 13
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 70
Offensive Reward: 203
Defensive Reward: 254

Attack Log (8)

level Defender Familia Andrade
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 12439
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9985
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 10255
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10405
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10204
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 10025
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10165
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 6383
level Defender Omaticaya's
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13790
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11540
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9818
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10805
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10885
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10374
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10700
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11880
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12000
level Defender 臺灣
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 11460
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9455
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10130
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10254
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9765
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10845
level Defender BEST clanOF BD
Level: 12
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13065
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10810
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9180
Balloon Lagoon 4 100 3 2 9645
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10495
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9250
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9625
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10410
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 9775
level Defender ukraine 777
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11450
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11685
level Defender Yokoke™
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13405
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11095
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9425
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10710
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11625
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11909
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10725
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 12050
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11730
level Defender 魚屋太郎
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12050
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10455
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11300
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11705
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11050
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10825
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12100
level Defender Боевой таран
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 17
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 7
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 80 2 2 8800
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9425
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10000
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10340
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10280
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10585
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11500
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11290

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker texas
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13595
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11955
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10805
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11511
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11810
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12210
level Attacker Cosmos
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13940
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11550
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12359
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11735
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11745
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker اصدقاء للابد
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11940
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11855
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11925
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12038
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11940
level Attacker de biggetjes
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12030
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10625
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11505
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker A Magyar Csapat
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11763
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11933
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker Les Fatalistes
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13475
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 11940
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10835
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11772
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12035
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11990
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12170
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11700
level Attacker $$Going4Gold$$
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 19
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11610
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10595
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11394
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11871
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11600
Goblin Mines 4 22 0 1 1900
level Attacker Angry Old Men
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 14
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 4
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 73 1 2 8695
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-01-12T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-15T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 855,048
attack Total Attacks: 204
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 75
Offensive Reward: 204
Defensive Reward: 245

Attack Log (9)

level Defender persian iran
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14048
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11170
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9870
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9935
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10470
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9598
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9845
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11630
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10900
level Defender The Vindicators
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13892
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11795
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9483
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10190
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10875
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10630
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10325
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11590
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11115
level Defender kryptic haze
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11750
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10050
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10833
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10675
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10340
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11015
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11810
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11512
level Defender MasterMind Qc
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13425
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11335
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9851
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11125
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10590
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9780
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11305
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Defender killerz
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10640
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11770
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10870
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11605
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11835
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11435
level Defender Das auto
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13973
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11429
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9610
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10335
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10130
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9880
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10520
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11075
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11245
level Defender AE Hung Yen
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13670
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10210
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10465
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10315
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10400
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11735
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11964
level Defender war god
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11518
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9545
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10065
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10400
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9800
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10985
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11425
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11112
level Defender ''JACKALS''
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 12
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10650
Builder's Workshop 5 64 1 2 6480
Dragon Cliffs 5 68 2 2 8200
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11385
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11825
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker 공격은 돼지를 타고~~go
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11820
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10235
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11811
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12326
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11915
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11670
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11525
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker INHU SATU
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13520
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11220
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11555
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker CRUSHING CLAN
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13670
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11610
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker U.S.A WHISKEY
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13595
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10778
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11760
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12098
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11481
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11990
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12153
level Attacker Glizzy Goblins
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13595
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11685
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11360
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12144
level Attacker Clash Familia $
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 32
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13796
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11916
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11415
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11885
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11859
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker ĐẤT NGỌC
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11865
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10340
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11295
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12353
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker christian
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 27 0 1 2900
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10835
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12095
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12008
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12185
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12024
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2024-01-05T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-08T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 873,456
attack Total Attacks: 197
Raids Completed: 14
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 78
Offensive Reward: 218
Defensive Reward: 229

Attack Log (9)

level Defender BLOOD ARROW
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13745
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12030
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10160
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10515
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10965
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11415
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10557
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11970
level Defender RED
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13640
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10870
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10045
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9730
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10640
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9529
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10425
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11940
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11570
level Defender les bulls ZLA
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11269
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10265
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10625
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11107
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10735
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11965
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11360
level Defender SKYFALL
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11450
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9855
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10645
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10415
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10885
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10775
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11105
level Defender FETİH1453
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10335
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11520
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10895
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11695
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11430
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11655
level Defender Nova Ordem
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13628
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11301
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9576
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10225
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10245
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11155
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10625
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11245
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10755
level Defender YOUNG RICH 46 !
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13934
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10555
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9430
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10230
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10245
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9765
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 9945
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11145
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11090
level Defender Maori Warriors
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13880
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9520
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10250
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10085
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10440
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11080
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12050
level Defender Solid Beasts
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 13
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 6
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9545
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10435
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10465
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10635
Golem Quarry 5 46 0 1 3345
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11285
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11315

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker ☠️ Stay Cool
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13970
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11871
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11996
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11735
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11820
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11825
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11871
level Attacker Fighter kings
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14000
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 11975
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 5 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker SAGAR D J
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14069
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12275
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12170
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11610
level Attacker Asado y vino!.
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13682
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11825
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12030
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12170
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12171
level Attacker Black Plague ☠
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11679
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker Resterampe 2.0
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 16
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 5
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12015
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10730
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12245
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11825
Goblin Mines 4 85 2 2 9665
level Attacker 自由対戦JP
Level: 28
attack Attack Count: 13
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 85 1 3 8870
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10496
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11220
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 30 0 1 2510
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 41 0 1 3990
level Attacker WaynRage
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13901
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11637
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11525
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2023-12-29T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2024-01-01T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 884,358
attack Total Attacks: 213
Raids Completed: 16
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 80
Offensive Reward: 206
Defensive Reward: 245

Attack Log (9)

level Defender BEAT THE DRUM
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13564
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10705
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9460
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10300
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10670
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10535
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10510
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11020
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11180
level Defender BlueSkyNoise
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13490
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 10598
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9151
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9905
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10295
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9413
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10525
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11100
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11155
level Defender Jester's Rage
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13345
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11270
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9885
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10520
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10731
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10245
Golem Quarry 4 100 3 2 9945
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11000
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11214
level Defender VictorY
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13979
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11925
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9495
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9940
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10605
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10665
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11305
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11100
level Defender The Crusaders
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 7 13905
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10695
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9515
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10205
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10920
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10235
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10415
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11585
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10955
level Defender Snow Leopards
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11550
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9445
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9560
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10960
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9920
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10010
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10875
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11205
level Defender crazyolcluckers
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13370
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11260
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10920
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11025
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10586
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11690
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11590
level Defender ЁКЛАН
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11260
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9650
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10290
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10830
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9561
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10475
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11850
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10700
level Defender BlackDragon
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 8
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 62 2 2 8600
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11670
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9560
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9910
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 10349
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10075
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10322
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12180
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11510

Defense Log (9)

level Attacker WiZ@rdZZzzzz
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 29
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13550
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11901
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10196
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11610
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12263
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11795
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11595
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11495
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11955
level Attacker Terribile
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13610
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11790
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10115
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12095
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11745
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11940
level Attacker Itz Just A Game
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11820
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker ЗАВОЕВАТЕЛИ √1
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10190
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker Fuoco&Fiamme2.0
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11985
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12155
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11853
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12005
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11985
level Attacker dead inside
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13670
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11913
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker W27Mafia
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11685
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10340
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11445
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12215
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11660
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker LEADERS
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10760
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11406
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11835
level Attacker This Clan Now 2
Level: 4
attack Attack Count: 3
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 89 2 3 10255
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2023-12-22T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2023-12-25T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 808,282
attack Total Attacks: 196
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 72
Offensive Reward: 205
Defensive Reward: 268

Attack Log (9)

level Defender GOLDDIGGERS
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13778
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10460
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9302
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 9510
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10415
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10229
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10516
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11645
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10895
level Defender Adults playgrou
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13815
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11560
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9610
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10355
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10700
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10545
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11342
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11425
level Defender kangsclan
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11030
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9771
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10400
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10980
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11525
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10795
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11260
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11325
level Defender War Farmers 21
Level: 31
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9990
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10700
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11165
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11975
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11025
level Defender Clanlos micro
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11440
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10395
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10870
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11010
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10555
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11780
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11210
level Defender UK team
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13673
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10805
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9435
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10480
Builder's Workshop 4 100 3 2 10405
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10295
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11330
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12030
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11205
level Defender AMORES OSCUROS
Level: 26
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13745
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11465
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9605
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10180
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10610
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10690
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10375
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 12020
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11450
level Defender Mythos
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13430
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10214
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11793
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11155
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12005
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10280
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11984
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11400
level Defender 1 1 E L E V E N
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 0
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker 六道-天道
Level: 32
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10565
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11805
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11955
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker شوالیه های شب
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 34
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14105
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 5 12045
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10475
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11589
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12095
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11714
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11850
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12170
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11640
level Attacker WALET CITY
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13871
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11790
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10595
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11562
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12035
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11834
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker H2O Farmers
Level: 17
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13943
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12018
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10190
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11754
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11690
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12020
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11738
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12159
level Attacker Castle Black
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13841
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11790
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10790
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11376
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12146
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 12210
level Attacker ShadowNinja 1.0
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13565
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10640
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11370
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11990
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11810
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11670
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12090
level Attacker China⚜麒麟
Level: 18
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10490
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11855
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11985
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11525
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11835
level Attacker War Frequency
Level: 27
attack Attack Count: 2
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11760
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2023-12-15T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2023-12-18T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 827,586
attack Total Attacks: 195
Raids Completed: 15
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 75
Offensive Reward: 213
Defensive Reward: 254

Attack Log (9)

level Defender -Like An Eagle-
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 22
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13458
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11350
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9835
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10100
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10585
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9917
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10220
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11430
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10571
level Defender clane dzair
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11617
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9635
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10301
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10113
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10225
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10207
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11365
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10980
level Defender SigiloEspañaWar
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11395
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9880
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10370
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10895
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9311
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10185
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10820
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10450
level Defender Boise, Idaho
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 24
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11680
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9325
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10330
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10395
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 9829
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11110
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12160
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11370
level Defender Pohjanmaa K18
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10945
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9814
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10880
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10580
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10570
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10620
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11998
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12080
level Defender Bellaty’s
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13635
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11685
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10220
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11243
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11220
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11425
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11095
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11880
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11990
level Defender ☯️السنافر☯️
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13905
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11025
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9690
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10070
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10275
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10305
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10055
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 10935
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10970
level Defender Keluarga Online
Level: 20
attack Attack Count: 20
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13895
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11316
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9905
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10015
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 9925
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 10650
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10570
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11205
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10676
level Defender soca warriors
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 7
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 3
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10375
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10545
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11535
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0

Defense Log (9)

level Attacker Martin
Level: 29
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14075
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10265
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11751
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12173
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11969
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12006
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11760
level Attacker WELCOME PH 2.0!
Level: 15
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13736
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11520
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10835
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11790
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11909
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11784
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11528
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker sincérité
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11460
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12365
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11675
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker Berlin 2.0
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13850
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12030
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 11295
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12140
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11384
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11885
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12135
level Attacker dragonwars
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 30
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12344
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11285
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11865
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11735
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12180
level Attacker Valkyrie Slayer
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10190
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11360
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 12045
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11825
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12210
level Attacker 一個人的武林
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 1
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 0
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 35 0 1 3045
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0
level Attacker Adlerpower
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 31
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13991
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10775
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11151
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11750
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11616
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11855
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11925
level Attacker UPSTATE NY 518
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 7
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 2
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 38 0 1 4555
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 0 0 0 0
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12050
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11940
State: Ended
clock Start Time: 2023-12-08T07:00:00Z
clock End Time: 2023-12-11T07:00:00Z
capital-gold Capital Total Loot: 778,392
attack Total Attacks: 192
Raids Completed: 14
Enemy Districts Destroyed: 70
Offensive Reward: 200
Defensive Reward: 314

Attack Log (8)

level Defender A1 Clan
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13988
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11935
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9558
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10275
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10880
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11042
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 11160
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11285
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10875
level Defender BEAST ASSAM COC
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 23
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11580
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10025
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10180
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10245
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10110
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10150
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11665
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10725
level Defender 541 Oregon
Level: 22
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 8 13790
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11310
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 9955
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10575
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10780
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 11415
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10880
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12200
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11055
level Defender KokosnussRitter
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 25
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 13270
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11300
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9790
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10435
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10705
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10742
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 10608
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11110
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11058
level Defender Warz Unlimited
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 13585
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11120
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9705
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11050
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11370
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 10465
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11235
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11960
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11470
level Defender clash players
Level: 14
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13810
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11163
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9480
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 10525
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 10895
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 9940
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10100
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11500
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 10655
level Defender "freedom UA"
Level: 16
attack Attack Count: 21
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 3 13850
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 11145
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9545
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10410
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10335
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9980
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10425
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11590
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 10803
level Defender America
Level: 21
attack Attack Count: 17
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 7
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 2 10675
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 9130
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 2 10120
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 10655
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 9850
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 2 10275
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11460
Goblin Mines 4 66 1 2 7340

Defense Log (8)

level Attacker Stratèges hic
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 36
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14000
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11700
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 4 10793
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11610
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 4 12335
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 5 11465
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11550
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11525
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11460
level Attacker lucky bacon
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 6 13952
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 12060
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10730
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11529
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 11948
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11424
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 12080
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12033
level Attacker 台灣動物園
Level: 25
attack Attack Count: 26
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11835
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 2 10415
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11745
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11765
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 2 11435
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11895
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 11825
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12060
level Attacker *Wolfsbane*
Level: 19
attack Attack Count: 27
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 4 14045
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11940
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10529
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11625
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12065
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12020
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11889
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 3 12068
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 2 11760
level Attacker مصر
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 33
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11883
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10448
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11469
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 5 11918
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11960
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11850
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 12125
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 11865
level Attacker StHil
Level: 23
attack Attack Count: 39
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 9 14090
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 4 11370
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10625
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 4 11670
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 3 12290
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 4 11645
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11295
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 4 11930
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 4 12144
level Attacker VIỆT NAM MAXPRO
Level: 13
attack Attack Count: 28
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 9
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 100 3 5 14120
Barbarian Camp 5 100 3 3 11910
Wizard Valley 5 100 3 3 10865
Balloon Lagoon 5 100 3 3 11820
Builder's Workshop 5 100 3 2 11765
Dragon Cliffs 5 100 3 3 12035
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 4 11925
Skeleton Park 4 100 3 2 11750
Goblin Mines 4 100 3 3 12210
level Attacker 社会人ゆっくりまったり会
Level: 24
attack Attack Count: 3
District Count: 9
Districts Destroyed: 1
Name District Hall Level Destruction % Stars attack Attack Count capital-gold Total Looted
Capital Peak 10 0 0 0 0
Barbarian Camp 5 0 0 0 0
Wizard Valley 5 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 5 0 0 0 0
Builder's Workshop 5 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 5 0 0 0 0
Golem Quarry 5 100 3 3 11970
Skeleton Park 4 0 0 0 0
Goblin Mines 4 0 0 0 0